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Tel Aviv LRT/Metro line

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The project entailed planning a 22 km LRT route  including an underground segment 11 km long.

The first phase of the Tel Aviv LRT Project (Red Line) involved relocating infrastructures along the ‘at-grade’ section of the LRT route and setting up the geometry for the “interim” phase (clearing the LRT route to enable work to proceed).


With this in mind MATAN has planned the interim phase (geometry and traffic signals) for each ‘at-grade’ section of the project (LRT route sections in Petah Tikva, Tel Aviv and Bat Yam) and the temporary traffic layouts for work to be carried out.


These traffic layouts, on the main arteries of the Dan Region (such as Jabotinsky Rd. in Petah Tikva, Jerusalem Blvd. in Jaffa, Balfour St. and Nisenbaum St. in Bat Yam) involved coming to terms with large traffic volumes, numerous bus routes, heavy pedestrian traffic etc.

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